Three Ladies Cafe

From left to right: One of the cross promotions events I planned, Giftcards I designed as part of the UC Davis COVID-19 testing initiative, a delicious mocha!
Three Ladies Cafe is a vegan-friendly restaurant located in Davis, California. As the social media manager I was solely responsible for creating content for the cafe's Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok.
I coordinated with food app liaisons to optimize sales, managed our Yelp/Google reviews, and handled website updates and design. I picked up project requests from the owner too. I did everything from designing and ordering gift cards to planning an employee farewell party!
In 2020 I established several cross-promotional partnerships with other local business. One partnership was with Ryder, an apartment complex which housed hundreds of potential new customers starting in 2021.
Sunroom Renovation

During the COVID-19 lockdown the Three Ladies Cafe owner approached me about renovating our indoor dining space. I was given creative control and a budget of $1,500.
The room re-design would be the perfect opportunity to attract UC Davis students to the shop. Prior to COVID-19 our customers were primarily young parents. While they were great customers, we weren't tapping into the much larger student population. The new room design needed to be functional for both groups.

Room renovation layout sketch

As a Davis graduate I knew that students were in need of more study spots. So, I decided the room would be both a study spot and dining area. The space needed a strong aesthetic that matched the quirkiness of the cafe. It also needed to be "Instagram-worthy" to attract students.
After careful research and planning, my team got to work :
We removed single seat tall tables and replaced them with footstools and pillows for a comfy spot to work.
We added large tables that could seat families or study groups
We added large tables near outlets to create study corners
We added 4 extendable outlets (10 ft max) so students could charge their laptops easily
We painted a "Instagram-worthy" rainbow mural
We added crystals/plants/art to reflect the current trends we saw on Pinterest/Tiktok
We created an art corner with pieces from local artists
After the renovation we had a large increase in student customers while maintaining our connections with our original base!
Employee Spotlight

I noticed a decrease in morale at the cafe due to the immense stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted our team-members to feel appreciated. I also felt this would be a good opportunity to build a connection with our customers on social media. I pitched a employee spotlight program to the owner, and she agreed!
Every month I featured one of our employees on our socials. The employee had a special named after them for a month and got a personalized gift basket and card from the team.
These posts have been performed very well. Providing "behind the scenes" information gave customers a personal/small business experience. Our team also felt more valued. Win, Win!